4shared vs DVDs, external hard and flash drives
In the life of each computer user comes the time to change things… like Windows for example. These seem to crash sometimes, you know, or they make the better ones occasionally. Well and what you’re gonna do with all that precious information you’ve collected for the past n years? All those rare game, music and movie backups you own? Or try to imagine that your girlfriend/boyfriend needs your computer badly and you have to backup some info because your chick/dude might not appreciate all the things you’ve got there. So, let’s say you have 30 folders with 7000 files and they weight about 50 GB…
The classic options to backup your stuff are:
1. DVDs
2. external HDD
3. Flash usb-drives
OPTION 1. You will need 12 blank DVD-R disks to backup 50 GB. Getting DVDs is the easiest part, actually. Don’t forget you can’t burn all the info in a row and that you must separate all the files so they could fit the strict 4,5 GB requirement of the DVD. To burn the disks you should have a proper hardware and software which is either expensive or free and unreliable. Even if you have all things listed above you should also have… time! You’ll have to spend about 7-10 minutes to burn each DVD. So it will take approximately 1.3-2 hours to backup your info on 12 DVDs!
And don’t forget the smell of hot plastic and lacquer all over the place. So let’s just say that DVDs won’t do it. Next stop – external HDD.
OPTION 2. You can spend up to 100$ for such type of device. It can be damn heavy (so it will be pretty uncomfortable to take it with yourself), require additional space within your work/living place and what is most uncool about it – each model can have individual compatibility problems with different types of operation systems/hardware so you’ll never know which one is going to “make your day”. Is there any guarantee you’ll need it ever again even if it works?
OPTION 3. Yes, you can always buy a dozen of flash usb-drives (25 bucks each) instead, spend up to 2 hours to fill them and leave them in the taxi next day, you know.
Isn’t this depressing? All ways listed above require money, time and your good mood.
But there is one thing that will solve all your problems at once!
Free, fast and reliable online hard drive at 4shared.com. Just follow these easy instructions to backup your data:
Step number 1
Register yourself on 4shared.com and get a free account which allows you to use up to 10GB to store any data you want to without any bandwidth limitation. Don’t waste your time and money on additional flash disks or HDDs!
Step number 2
Download our Desktop utility which will help you to upload all the needed files to your account. Just drag&drop them in the particular field and this baby will do the rest of the work.
Step number 3
I would like to write a more detailed manual but this is it, actually. You don’t need to do anything else but enjoy your life and get the uploaded files whenever and wherever you want.
Why taking flash disks or external hard disks with yourself when you can have access to all your files in any part of the world just pressing a few buttons in the nearest McDonalds with the free Wi-fi? Just login to your 4shared.com account and… whoala!
Still not convinced? Than don’t hesitate to check out an impressive list of other free and premium features of 4shared.com right now!